American Huney

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Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day...with a twist

Are you all familiar with food days?  It seems that almost every day is a different national food day...Coconut Cream Pie Day, Caramel Corn Day....basically anything you can think of (ok, I made those two up).  Bottom line, it's kind of fun to get me out of my regular cooking and baking box and getting me cooking and baking different things.  Well, today is Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day!  I wanted to do something a little different, inspired by my grandma Helen.  

Many of you know, grandma Helen was a hell of a baker.  She was born and raised in my favorite apple orchard and as a result, she could make a mean apple pie.  For those of you that have ever made a pie from scratch, you know there is always left over pie dough.  She always rolled it out on a cookie sheet and sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar and it was a little added bonus.  I decided to take that and make a deconstructed Strawberry Rhubarb Pie!  And man oh paid off!

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