American Huney

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Moody Wine....whaaaat?

Well, for many this may seem random.  What's this "moody wine" thing?  It's kind of a great past time of mine.  I was working in a cute wine shop in Santa Cruz, where I was asked every day what my favorite wine was.  I'd always start by explaining my mood, while I was making a suggestion and it dawned on me...."I can't be the only one that makes a wine selection like this."  I began asking people when they were planning to drink the wine and have them set the scene before making a recommendation.  BAM! was born.  

A little more background, if you're interested.  I studied Agricultural Business and Wine and Viticulture at Cal Poly, and I was working in the wine business, but I fell off the wine blog wagon when I got out of the wine industry and bought a house.   My wine selection was kind of more like, "Whatever I can afford that tastes decent."  HA!  Those Santa Cruz County residents out there, feel me??!!  

I was strategizing the other day with a friend about this blog and we got to discussing Moody Wine and she said, "Why can't you just include that in American Huney?"  I let it kind of sink in and I realized something...why couldn't I?  As a result, I've reformatted the blog and I'm BRINGING MOODY WINE BACK!  You won't find such extravagant wines that I was fortunate enough to post about when I was in the wine industry, but you'll see some yummy retail store selections, some shipment selections that I get delivered to the house, and some local winery treats.  Really, it may be MORE approachable than before!  

The new design of the blog will make it simple to navigate to wine related posts...just click the wine quadrant and you're there!